About you We'd like to know a little about you. Please indicate as appropriate. What is your age? What is your gender? --Select-- Female Male Transgender Rather not say What is your ethnicity? --Select-- American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Hispanic/Latino White I'd rather not say What is your Zipcode? Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, Independent or what? --Select-- 1 - Strong Democrat 2 - Not a Strong Democrat 3 - Independent Near Democrat 4 - Independent 5 - Independent Near Republican 6 - Not a Strong Republican 7 - Republican Something else Rather not say Where would you place your political attitudes on this scale? --Select-- 1 - Extremely Liberal 2 - Liberal 3 - Slightly Liberal 4 - Moderate 5 - Slightly Conservative 6 - Conservative 7 - Extremely Conservative Rather not say Regarding Donald Trump's Presidential race, I am... --Select-- 1 - Strongly Against Mr. Trump 2 - Somewhat Against Mr. Trump 3 - Neither for nor Against Mr. Trump 4 - Somewhat For Mr. Trump 5 - Strongly For Mr. Trump